13 Reasons People Become Clinically Depressed

completely agree


Having ‘clinical’ depression can affect all aspects of a persons life, strangely enough during my days of dealing with depression waking up in the morning in itself was tiring, even after a good nights sleep. Our self esteem and self confidence takes a beating and that dark gloomy cloud that hangs over the heads of people that are going through depression, unfortunately can not be wished away or just float out of their lives somehow. First let’s look at some reasons why people get themselves into a ‘clinically’ depressed state, and then look at what has worked for myself and others I work with to get back to feeling abundant again.

Reasons People Become Depressed:

Becoming Isolated – It’s just natural for human beings to want to be around other people. If the option of meeting that significant other and starting a family is there we feel fulfilled, but…

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Booze & anxiety disorders

 If you have ever been concerned about your anxiety levels (struggled to talk to another human being the morning after a big session, panicked over a presentation to a couple of people at work, laid in bed unable to sleep because of trivial worries – any of this ring any bells?) consider for a minute that your inability to cope with life’s little challenges may be as a result of all that booze you are drinking. Alcohol depresses your central nervous system, and this is why it affects your mood, induces anxiety and causes panic attacksIf you stop drinking, it is highly likely that these anxiety attacks will disappear forever.
